Lis of specialized services that companies demand the most:
If you are looking for a list of specialized services, you have arrived at the right article. Here we will share with you the 12 that we think are the most requested by companies.
It is important to note that there is a wide variety of specialized services as well as companies that offer them. just in the last quarter of 2021, in the Public Register of Specialized Services or Specialized Works there were more than 50000 companies registered with current REPSE.

Contents of the article
However, the specialized services that are most commercialized are few compared to the number of registered companies.
By an express view on the web we can determine which specialized services are most required by companies, and therefore, they are the ones that are offered the most.
But before moving on to the list…
What are the specialized services?
In Mexico, starting in 2021, the Federal Labor Law considers an employment regime or model as specialized services. I In short, a contractor company makes available to the client, staff to catty out a specialized work or service.
According to the STPS, it is considered when the workers of a company carry out work on a client’spremises permanently, indefinitely or periodically.
If you want to know more about this topic, we invite you to read our definitive guide to specialized services where we address this topic in a complete way.
List of Specialized Services that Companies demand the most:
1.Corporate Services (Back office)
Activities related to legal, HR, finance, accounting and administrative services in support of business operation. »Contact us for more information .
2. Manufacture
Serial manufacturing activities. Serial manufacturing activities. Production, manufacturing and processing services of parts or machines for industry. »Contact us for more information.
Surveillance and protection of people, offices, companies, shops and other real state.
Maintenance and cleaning services in general for industrial buildings, shopping centers, public spaces and companies. »Contact us for more information
5.Tecnology (TI)
Activities. Installation, design, maintenance, programming, operation and marketing of systems »Contact us for more information.
Activities. Recycling, re- manufacturing, collection, waste management of type »Contact us for more information

7.Promotion / Sales
Operation processes at the point of sale. Retail activities, call center, promotion and more. »Contact us for more information
Passenger, luggage, freight and cargo transport activities.
Food preparation of the maquiladora industry. Preparation of banquets for all types of events.
Activities. Cultivation and planning. Agricultural work. Operation of irrigation systems. »Contact us for more information
Activities. Construction and development of all types of works, including hydraulic and electrical infrastructure. »Contact us for more information
Activities. Development and management services of hotels, motels, pensions and tourist activities »Contact us for more information
Remember that...
The client (contracting company) may contract various specialized services, as long as they are not part of their corporate purpose or their predominant economic activity.
Specialized Services
Learn more about our specialized services and how they can increase the competitiveness of your company. Contact us.